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"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new".

Albert Einstein


It is important to always do your best and try hard in the classroom.  I expect my students to always try their best and to know that its okay to make a mistake.  Giving your best attempt at a problem, even if incorrect, will always increase the chances of success in the next attempt.









Compromising Classroom Expectations

 Here is a list of Classroom Expectations:

    • DO YOUR BEST  - I expect all my students to try their hardest throughout class.  It is a great skill to learn. Always giving it your best will help you become a better thinker in no time. It's wonderfully okay to make a mistake or get an incorrect answer as long as you give it your all.  In fact, that is what learning is all about!
    • KEEP CALM, CONFIDENT & A CHEERFUL STATE OF MIND – In all aspects of life these are some good attributes to strive for.  It’s important to keep calm.  It helps you think clearer and hopefully make better decisions.  It tends to lower anxiety as well.  Being confident is very important.  If you are not confident in yourself, you will not allow yourself to be the best you can.  Be confident that if you fail, you will learn from that failure and be better the next time. Even if sometimes it doesn’t work out the way you want; the first step is believing 100% in yourself.  Being cheerful is just having a nice outlook on things.  Positive attitude attracts positive results.
    • RESPECT YOUR PEERS & MYSELF - We all want to be respected during class. I am a very understanding person and I would like my students to be as well.  Be kind to your peers in class and encourage success.  Listen well when someone else is talking and you will be listened to when you speak.

    The Golden Rule

    “We should conduct ourselves toward others as we would have them act toward us.” — Aristotle, Greece (circa 350 BC)

    • RAISE YOUR HAND - Please raise your hand if you have a question, answer or comment. This allows me to give everyone a chance to speak their mind.


    • CELL PHONE POLICY – If a cell phone is out, I will quietly ask you to put it away. If asked a second time, I will ask you to put it away and there will be a write up given to your administrator.  If work is completed towards the end of class, you may ask to use your cell phone.  I will ask you to wait 5 minutes to let yourself be bored.  Boredom is the lack of paying attention.  Letting yourself be bored can lead to a more mindful attitude.  Once you have been bored for a bit, then you may use your cell phone. 

    You might end up enjoying the peace of no cell phone! ;)

    • Leave it better than you found it – When exiting class please leave your desk area better than you found it.  Clean up any of your materials, put calculator away, and push in chair.