Kathryn Monigan » Global Issues Course Description

Global Issues Course Description

Course Description

Global Issues is a sophomore interdisciplinary writing course focusing on global issues and the non western world.  Students will be expected to read articles and take a written position, using support from the article sources.  The content of this course will cover geographical, cultural, and political issues, and modern conflicts / issues of the non western world.   Units covered include the Middle East, South Asia, China, and Africa.

Grades will be calculated based on the following Rubric-

Homework – 15%

Class work - 10 %

Papers / Projects / Tests- 45%

Quizzes- 20%

Participation- 10% of your overall grade

Quarter grades are 20% 

Final & midterm exams each count as 10% towards the final overall grade

Classwork / Participation : Students are expected to actively engage in classroom activities and discussions. This includes coming to class prepared with a charged chromebook, notebook, text, and appropriate writing materials.  Classwork also includes assignments that are checked and completed during class.  These assignments can range from class notes, worksheets, group activities, map work, and article responses.  

 Homework : Homework will be assigned almost every night.
Late homework assignments will not be accepted.  Students with an excused absence must turn their assignment by the following class.  Both Homework and classwork will be graded on a scale of 10 points. Refer to social studies homework policy.     

Tests & Quizzes: Students with excused absences will have one week to make up a Test or Quiz via an appointment with the teacher.  It is the student’s responsibility to schedule and show up for appointments. A missed appointment will result in a zero.

Papers & Projects:  Papers, presentations and other long-term assignments will also be included throughout the year. It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of their assignments. Projects more than a week late will not be accepted. 

Extra credit work is not available.

Social Studies Paragraph Policy: 

All paragraphs must be at least 3-5 sentences in length and must include a clear topic sentence.  All sentences must be complete and follow the rules of grammar and punctuation.  Failure to do so will result in an automatic zero. 

Re-write policy:   

For any given writing assignment, there is the opportunity for re-submission.  Once graded, if full credit was not earned, students will have one week to re-write and resubmit to meet these expectations.  

 Classroom Rules & Expectations 

  • Students WILL be respectful towards both
    the teacher and other students. Derogatory Language and put-downs will not be tolerated!

  • Students WILL come to class prepared and on time.  On time means in your seat when the bell rings.

  • Students WILL be expected to remain
    on-task and attentive during class


  • Students WILL be expected to complete
    all assignments on time. Emailed assignments will be penalized with a loss of points. 

  • Students WILL be free to express their ideas and opinions(at the appropriate times).

  • Students WILL be limited in their use of the Lav. Appropriate lav times include during silent seat-work, prior to, or after class. Classroom activities and lectures are important! Students are expected to stay in the classroom!

  • Students WILL be expected to come to the teacher for missed assignments or if they need extra help.