

1. Read the whole problem.
2. Think about what you are being asked to find out.
3. Ask yourself what you already know and think about how to approach the problem.
4. Whenever possible, draw a diagram (bar model).
5. Ask yourself, "Does the answer make sense?"
6. Reread the problem and your answer to make sure you answered the question. (You may find x, but the problem is asking for x +1.)
7. Check to make sure you have answered all of the questions in the problem.
8. In certain problems, you may be able to estimate the answer before you begin. After you perform your calculations, see if your final answer is close to your guess.
1. Focus on what you DO know, not on what you do not know.
2. Use scrap paper to work out the problem.
3. When asked to "show work" or "justify your answer", write down everything about the problem, including the work you did on your calculator. Include diagrams (if appropriate), calculations, equations, and explanations written in complete sentences. Now is the time to "show off" what you really can do with the problem.
4. If you simply cannot determine the answer to the questions, make a guess. Think about the problem and the information you know to be true. make a guess that will be logical based upon the conditions of the problem.